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Delivering My Keynote at the 2023 World Police Summit

Mar 9, 2024

1 min read



As a speaker at the World Police Summit, I had the distinct privilege of presenting a keynote on a topic —"Data-Driven Law Enforcement in the Modern Age."

My goal was to convey the pivotal role and future impact of big data and Artificial Intelligence in transforming policing practices worldwide.

In my address, I emphasized the transformative power of integrating advanced technologies with everyday law enforcement processes. With the rapid pace of technological advancement, it's crucial that law enforcement agencies not only keep up but also lead in the adoption of these innovations to enhance their operational efficiency and effectiveness.

The focus of my presentation was on how GenAI and big data can be leveraged to anticipate criminal activity, allocate resources more efficiently, and ultimately improve public safety. This proactive approach to policing is essential for adapting to the complexities of the modern world.

The World Police Summit has been a great opportunity for exchanging ideas and forging partnerships that will shape the future of law enforcement. As we move forward, it’s clear that embracing data-driven technologies is not merely an option but a necessity for developing more responsive, efficient, and equitable policing strategies.

I am looking forward to continuing this dialogue and exploring how we can collectively advance the field of law enforcement to better serve and protect our communities.

Mar 9, 2024

1 min read



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